Source code for lithoxyl.action

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import time
import itertools

from boltons.tbutils import ExceptionInfo, Callpoint
from boltons.cacheutils import cachedproperty

from lithoxyl.utils import int2hexguid_seq
from lithoxyl.common import to_unicode, get_level
from lithoxyl.context import note
from lithoxyl.sensible import SensibleMessageFormatter

except NameError:
    unicode = str  # py3

_ACT_ID_ITER = itertools.count()

class DefaultException(Exception):
    "Only used when traceback extraction fails"

[docs]class Action(object): """The Action type is one of the core Lithoxyl types, and the key to instrumenting application logic. Actions are usually instantiated through convenience methods on :class:`~lithoxyl.logger.Logger` instances, associated with their level (e.g., :meth:`~Logger.critical`). Args: logger: The Logger instance responsible for creating and publishing the Action. level: Log level of the Action. Generally one of :data:`~lithoxyl.common.DEBUG`, :data:`~lithoxyl.common.INFO`, or :data:`~lithoxyl.common.CRITICAL`. Defaults to ``None``. name (str): A string description of some application action. data (dict): A mapping of non-builtin fields to user values. Defaults to an empty dict (``{}``) and can be populated after Action creation by accessing the Action like a ``dict``. reraise (bool): Whether or not the Action should catch and reraise exceptions. Defaults to ``True``. Setting to ``False`` will cause all exceptions to be caught and logged appropriately, but not reraised. This should be used to eliminate ``try``/``except`` verbosity. frame: Frame of the callpoint creating the Action. Defaults to the caller's frame. Most of these parameters are managed by the Actions and respective :class:`~lithoxyl.Logger` themselves. While they are provided here for advanced use cases, usually only the *name* and *raw_message* are provided. Actions are :class:`dict`-like, and can be accessed as mappings and used to store additional structured data: >>> action['my_data'] = 20.0 >>> action['my_lore'] = -action['my_data'] / 10.0 >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(action.data_map) {'my_data': 20.0, 'my_lore': -2.0} """ _is_trans = None _defer_publish = False def __init__(self, logger, level, name, data=None, reraise=True, parent=None, frame=None): self.action_id = next(_ACT_ID_ITER) self.logger = logger self.level = get_level(level) try: = unicode(name) except Exception: = repr(name) self.data_map = data or {} self._reraise = reraise if frame is None: frame = sys._getframe(1) self.callpoint = Callpoint.from_frame(frame) self.begin_event = None self.end_event = None if parent: self.parent_action = parent else: self.parent_action = logger.context.get_active_parent(logger, self) return def __repr__(self): cn = self.__class__.__name__ return ('<%s %r %s %r>' % (cn,,, self.status)) @property def exc_event(self): return self.exc_events[-1] if self.exc_events else None @cachedproperty def exc_events(self): return [] # note that this is a cachedproperty @cachedproperty def warn_events(self): return [] # note that this is a cachedproperty @cachedproperty def guid(self): return int2hexguid_seq(self.action_id) @property def level_name(self): return @property def status(self): try: return self.end_event.status except AttributeError: return 'begin' @property def duration(self): try: return self.end_event.etime - self.begin_event.etime except Exception: return 0.0 @property # TODO: cachedproperty? can this change? def parent_depth(self): i = 0 while self.parent_action and i < 500: i += 1 self = self.parent_action # reuse var return i def begin(self, message=None, *a, **kw): self.data_map.update(kw) if not self.begin_event: if not message: message = + ' beginning' self.begin_event = BeginEvent(self, time.time(), message, a) self.logger.on_begin(self.begin_event) return self def warn(self, message, *a, **kw): self.data_map.update(kw) warn_ev = WarningEvent(self, time.time(), message, a) self.warn_events.append(warn_ev) self.logger.on_warn(warn_ev) return self
[docs] def success(self, message=None, *a, **kw): """Mark this Action successful. Also set the Action's *message* template. Positional and keyword arguments will be used to generate the formatted message. Keyword arguments will also be added to the Action's ``data_map`` attribute. """ if not message: if self.data_map: message = + ' succeeded - ({data_map_repr})' else: message = + ' succeeded' return self._end('success', message, a, kw)
[docs] def failure(self, message=None, *a, **kw): """Mark this Action failed. Also set the Action's *message* template. Positional and keyword arguments will be used to generate the formatted message. Keyword arguments will also be added to the Action's ``data_map`` attribute. """ if not message: if self.data_map: message = + ' failed - ({data_map_repr})' else: message = + ' failed' return self._end('failure', message, a, kw)
[docs] def exception(self, message=None, *a, **kw): """Mark this Action as having had an exception. Also sets the Action's *message* template similar to :meth:`Action.success` and :meth:`Action.failure`. Unlike those two attributes, this method is rarely called explicitly by application code, because the context manager aspect of the Action catches and sets the appropriate exception fields. When called explicitly, this method should only be called in an :keyword:`except` block. """ exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() return self._exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb, message, a, kw)
def _exception(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb, message, fargs, data): exc_type = exc_type or DefaultException # have to capture the time now in case the on_exception sinks # take their sweet time etime = time.time() exc_info = ExceptionInfo.from_exc_info(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) if not message: cp = exc_info.tb_info.frames[-1] t = "%s raised exception: " exc_repr = "%s(%r)" errno = getattr(exc_val, 'errno', None) if errno and str(errno) not in exc_repr: t += exc_repr + ' (errno %s)' % exc_val.errno else: t += exc_repr t += " from %s on line %s of file '%s'" if self.data_map: t += ' - ({data_map_repr})' message = t % (, exc_info.exc_type, exc_info.exc_msg, cp.func_name, cp.lineno, cp.module_path) exc_event = ExceptionEvent(self, etime, message, fargs, exc_info) self.exc_events.append(exc_event) self.logger.on_exception(exc_event, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) return self._end('exception', message, fargs, data, etime, exc_info) def _end(self, status, message, fargs, data, end_time=None, exc_info=None): self.data_map.update(data) if self._is_trans: end_time = end_time or time.time() else: if not self.begin_event: self.begin() end_time = self.begin_event.etime self.end_event = EndEvent(self, end_time, message, fargs, status, exc_info) if not self._defer_publish and self.logger: self.logger.on_end(self.end_event) return self def __enter__(self): self._is_trans = self._defer_publish = True self.logger.context.set_active_parent(self.logger, self) return self.begin() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._defer_publish = False if exc_type: try: self._exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb, message=None, fargs=(), data={}) except Exception as e: note('action_exit', 'got %r while already handling exception %r', e, exc_val) pass # TODO: still have to create end_event else: if self.end_event: self.logger.on_end(self.end_event) else: # now that _defer_publish=False, this will also publish self.success() self.logger.context.set_active_parent(self.logger, self.parent_action) if self._reraise is False: return True # ignore exception return def __getitem__(self, key): return self.data_map[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.data_map[key] = value
[docs] def get_elapsed_time(self): """Simply get the amount of time that has passed since begin was called on this action, or 0.0 if it has not begun. This method has no side effects. """ if self.begin_event: return time.time() - self.begin_event.etime return 0.0
# TODO: optimization strategy. if event creation starts to register on # profiling, convert events to fixed-length tuples with empty # dictionaries for caching lazy values. e.g., # ('begin', action, etime, event_id, to_unicode(raw_message), fargs, {}) # # could also shove those as internal attrs on the action and put # caching properties in place for the actual event objects. simplifies # adding new fields. class Event(object): _message = None def __getitem__(self, key): return self.action[key] def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.action, name) @property def message(self): if self._message: return self._message raw_message = self.raw_message if raw_message is None: self._message = '' elif '{' not in raw_message: # no templating, bypass self._message = raw_message else: # TODO: Formatter cache fmtr = SensibleMessageFormatter(raw_message, quoter=False) self._message = fmtr.format(self, *self.fargs) return self._message def __repr__(self): cn = self.__class__.__name__ return '<%s %s %r>' % (cn, self.action_id, self.raw_message) class BeginEvent(Event): status = 'begin' status_char = 'b' def __init__(self, action, etime, raw_message, fargs): self.action = action self.etime = etime self.event_id = next(_ACT_ID_ITER) self.raw_message = to_unicode(raw_message) self.fargs = fargs class ExceptionEvent(Event): status = 'exception' status_char = '!' def __init__(self, action, etime, raw_message, fargs, exc_info): self.action = action self.etime = etime self.event_id = next(_ACT_ID_ITER) self.raw_message = to_unicode(raw_message) self.fargs = fargs self.exc_info = exc_info class EndEvent(Event): def __init__(self, action, etime, raw_message, fargs, status, exc_info=None): self.action = action self.etime = etime self.event_id = next(_ACT_ID_ITER) self.raw_message = to_unicode(raw_message) self.fargs = fargs self.status = status self.exc_info = exc_info @property def status_char(self): if self.action._is_trans: ret = self.status[:1].upper() else: ret = self.status[:1].lower() return ret class WarningEvent(Event): status = 'warning' status_char = 'W' def __init__(self, action, etime, raw_message, fargs): self.action = action self.etime = etime self.event_id = next(_ACT_ID_ITER) self.raw_message = to_unicode(raw_message) self.fargs = fargs class CommentEvent(Event): status = 'comment' status_char = '#' def __init__(self, action, etime, raw_message, fargs): self.action = action self.etime = etime self.event_id = next(_ACT_ID_ITER) self.raw_message = to_unicode(raw_message) self.fargs = fargs """What to do on multiple begins and multiple ends? If a action is atomic (i.e., never entered/begun), then should it fire a logger on_begin? Leaning no. Should the BeginEvent be created on action creation? currently its presence is used to track whether on_begin has been called on the Logger yet. Things that normally change on a Action currently: - Status - Message - Data map Things which are populated: - end_time - duration """ """naming rationale: * 'warn', an action verb, was chosen over 'warning' because it implies repeatability, where as success/failure/exception are nouns, to indicate singular conclusion. """